
Some famous gamblers of all time

Just for not leaving in between, a casino game sandwich was invented. John Montagu was a famous British gambler.  He served as the First Lord of Admiralty and the British secretary of state. He was an ardent gambler, even skipped his lunch for the sake of gambling. He ordered for a snack while playing a casino game, a slice of chicken between two slices of bread. That’s how sandwich came in modern cuisine. Title of John Montagu was 4th Earl of Sandwich, during supper, at the time of gambling his friends asked same as a sandwich. Thus the name derived “sandwich” for the snack.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

One of the most sought pastimes in the mid-eighteen century was gambling. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the most renowned composer of all time, was a top-notch gambler of that time. The economy in any form was unacceptable to this wizard; intellect and wealth were extravagant. Moreover, Mozart was an integral part of the aristocrats of Vienna; most of them had an intense passion for gambling. He was used to a bountiful lifestyle, and to maintain it, he gambled endlessly. He gambled not only for the zeal but also to maintain the connection with the regal families and to secure upcoming projects.

Gioachino Rossini, another music composer of that time, was a famous gambler. His love for gambling was even more than Mozart. He established a casino in his opera house; there used to be ballet dance in gambling recess.

Giacomo Casanova

Giacomo Casanova was a man of many virtues, a writer, violinist and professional adventurism. His expediency extended to mathematics, law and business. But, with so many merits, there were two vices women and gambling. He was a trained skill gambler, not an amateur one. In his adolescence, he got lessons from professional gambles, mastering all the tricks and cambers of wagering.

His proficiency in a card game was like faro, and the narrative was a grand success. His wits convinced King Louis XV to start a lottery in France. Casanova was in his prime thirties when he moved to Paris.   The motive for commencing the lottery was noble; fundraising for Paris military school. But the venture turned profitable to both of them, giving revenue of 300,000 francs each. Rene Descartes, The Father of Modern Philosophy, a mathematician, an esteemed scientist was also a gambler. He thought to take gambling as a profession, but as usual, it turned out to be a nightmare.  So he deported from gambling to science and philosophy. So play casino game in 918kis online casino for fun, not as professional.

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